четверг, 9 августа 2012 г.

From Murmansk to Narvik

Ok, we are in Narvik. Now I want to tell about our traveling. Length of our way was 1095 km. We visited Norway, Finland, Sweden and Norway again:
Our way
We began to go at 14.00 MSK. I know the road from Murmansk to Kirkenes because many time I was there. We stopped in Nikel to buy some gasoline. In Kirkenes I have got MOMS (some cash is not useless) and we began our way forward. We detected that our maps for navigators are invalid and Sygic has refreshed and it required to download 80 Mb of data. Internet in roaming is very, very expensive and we decided to go using printed routes from Google Maps.
We began to go on E6 and turned to Finnish road. Our first break was a few kilometers from the border.
Little Finnish lake
After this I got to steer. We strayed at Inary - we been looking for right turn but we have found it! Some photos:
 My first overtaking - slow Finnish with a boat
Interesting pipe in Inari
Our last break in Finland
Before the border we reversed and I became the passenger again))
 Nature at Swedish-Finnish border
Swedish-Finnish border
Error 404. Page not found!
Sweden was the hardest part of our route. At first, in the one place we turned the wrong direction and came to ecopark!
We lost about 2 hours in this forest.

After there was repaired section of the road about 25 km. We went with speed about 20-30 km per hours, it was so hard... And after we wanted to sleep... I offered I sleep about 20-30 minutes and after Kiruna we revers again. Ivan was agree. After a short sleep, I felt a lot better and I could drive the car.
I'm a driver!
Before Narvik Ivan got to steer because I haven't enough experience for driving in city.
Narvik's gates
We were very glad to come to finish of our way!
 I'm glad
Ivan is glad to!
We came into our accommodation - The Best Western Narvik Hotell and got the rooms. My room's number is 320.
It was a hard day. More photos - in my vk-account. In next posts I will write about visiting the police and college, our first purchases and climbing to the highest point of Narvik.
Waiting for a comments!

2 комментария:

  1. "Interesting pipe in Inari" - The same pipe I saw in Kazan'.
    "Nature at Swedish-Finnish border" - is there glass on border over there? =)
    "Error 404. Page not found!" - is it name of village or road?)

    Thx for bloging!

    1. I wasn't in Kazan')
      No! Without glass, without dogs, without people and other barriers
      It is road. The lost road))
